Sunday, July 29, 2012

"I Loves the Ladies...and the Ladies Loves Me!"

During my high school years, my mom and I regularly watched the TLC show While You Were Out.  I wasn't a huge fan, but, since the TV in our living room was the only one hooked up to cable in the entire house, it definitely beat playing Nintendo GameCube for the umpteenth time.  There were many notable moments on the show, both good (beautifully redone rooms, special renovations for those who really deserved it, and even a humorous moment here and there) and bad (a designer storming out in the middle of an episode, which caused the host to go looking for him; a husband who was furious after coming home and finding a "redesign" that consisted of a huge hole in his deck, which made his wife cry; and, yes, even some terrible redesigns).  One memorable (at least, to me) occasional event on the show was when nearby ladies would find out that the show was taping in the area, and come on the set to see host and former boy band member Evan Farmer, as well as insanely buff carpenters Andrew Dan-Jumbo, who also sported a British accent, and Jason Cameron.  It didn't happen all that often--at least, not that the hour-long episodes showed--but, when it did happen, Evan Farmer said in a voice-over, "I loves the ladies, and the ladies loves...Andrew."  The joke was that Dan-Jumbo was getting more attention; still, "I loves the ladies, and the ladies loves me!" was a cute saying, and it has meaning for me as well.
It's no secret that I have plenty of female friends.  One look at how many women have "liked" and/or commented on my Facebook posts is proof enough.  Even ladies I don't know sometimes give me special attention; just today, I was eating out with my parents, and the waitress addressed me as "sweetie" more than once, which my mom called flirting.  Frankly, as long as it stays appropriate, I actually enjoy the attention; it's a way of embracing my singleness.  If I did have a significant other, she probably wouldn't appreciate other women interacting with me in such a way; however, since there's no one to be bothered by it, I'll just eat it up.
I've talked before about how, despite what society says, that's it's perfectly fine to not have a significant other, and even used Matthew 19:11-12 and 1 Corinthians 7:1,8 to back me up.  At first, I was using all that as a defense for being a hardcore Victoria Justice fan, but I think it has a bigger meaning: At the point I'm currently at in life, even if I were to purge my room and hard drives of everything Victoria-related, I still shouldn't have a girlfriend.  Why, you ask? Simply put: I have too many friends who are girls! Seriously, as much as I interact with those of the opposite gender, I think pretty much any woman would have a problem with it.
That may sound like a problem, but it isn't; in fact, I think that's how God wants it.  Despite society's message of "everyone was meant to find romance, and your day will come," maybe my Creator realizes that I wouldn't be happy with just one woman.  I'm not advocating polygamy or womanizers; hear me out here.  Instead of just one girlfriend, I think God knows what I really need is a bunch of friends who are girls.  Sure, people are going to see me talking with all the ladies and peg me as a big flirt, a womanizer, etc., but that's sinful according to Matthew 7:1-2 and Romans 14:13.
Here is the first of my usual two concluding points: I have no idea what it is that makes those of the female persuasion interact with me in such a way.  Is it because I make them smile and laugh? Is it because I'm smart? Is it because they've never met anyone else quite like me? Is it because I have knowledge about various topics? I honestly don't know; still, whatever it is, I hope I never lose it.
Now, for my absolute final point: Some years ago, I once heard a Father's Day sermon by a long-time local preacher that, believe it or not, made a very good point about gender interaction.  The minister said that he had gone through his notes for both Mother's Day and Father's Day sermons in years past, and found that the former was always praising and adoring moms, while the latter was always challenging dads to be better.  During the sermon, the preacher said to the church's many fathers, "We appreciate what you do."  What's my point? In most cases, you'll find that guys are harder on guys than they are on women; that sermon is perfect proof.  I prefer to have mostly female friends because many things that guys regularly say or do to each other is just bothersome to me, even if everyone else may think nothing of it.  Some people have suggested trying to interact more with the guys, but their usual behaviors--such as long discussions about sports--are something that I just never have been able to get used to at any point in my life.
Any comments?

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