Monday, April 25, 2011

Where Are You? (Sarah's Song)

DISCLAIMER: The person specified in this "parody"'s title is not on my friends list.  So, if your name is Sarah, don't ask me why I wrote a song about you, because I didn't.  Unless, of course, you are that person the song describes, but it's quite unlikely she will read this.  Anyway, enjoy!

To the tune of "Everytime We Touch" by Cascada

Camp in '98, yeah, that's where you met me.
You were so extremely friendly. (To me!)
I had Scooby madness at that point in time.
Yes, a friend in you I did find!

And every time I think 'bout those memories,
I wonder where you've been and where you are now!
Are you now teaching a class?
Or do you blow glass?
Wish I could find out!
I would give you a hug if I could find you!
I will remember you 'til the day I die!
Where on this planet did you go?
I may never know!
You made me grin wide!


You were a believer,
And, now, so am I!
We may meet again when we die! (Yeah, hat's right!)
Wherever I find you, I hope we can talk!
I can't wait to tell you it all!

'Cause things have changed so much since the late '90s!
I've switched to Tori Justice; I wish she were mine!
I am a proud parodist; I write stuff like this!
No, it's not a crime!
Yeah, I read books for fun; I'm such an addict!
Movies and music are also pastimes!
What about you, though? What's your favorite show?
What's new in your life?


I can never fight those old memories!
They have me smiling; I can't let them die!
You were awesome like that; I wish we could chat!
Maybe in paradise?

[For Sarah, wherever you are, whatever you're doing.  I haven't stopped remembering you, and I hope I never do.  I will see you again one day, although it may not be on this planet.]

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